Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a simple game with a few simple rules, but it can produce complex and surprising patterns.

The game is played on a grid of cells, each of which can be either alive or dead. The cells interact with their neighbors, and based on the number of living neighbors, they can come to life, die, or remain in their current state.

The rules of the game are as follows:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies.
  • Any live cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.
  • Any live cell with more than three living neighbors dies.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life.

Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton with simple rules that can produce complex patterns.

  • Cellular automaton
  • Simple rules
  • Complex patterns
  • Grid of cells
  • Alive or dead
  • Interact with neighbors
  • Live, die, or remain
  • Variety of patterns

The game can be used to explore a variety of mathematical concepts, including emergence, self-organization, and computation.

Cellular automaton

A cellular automaton is a collection of cells that interact with each other according to a set of rules. The cells can be in different states, and the rules determine how the state of a cell changes over time based on the states of its neighbors.

  • Grid-based

    Cellular automata are typically defined on a grid, where each cell has a specific location and a set of neighbors.

  • Discrete time

    Cellular automata are typically updated in discrete time steps. At each time step, the state of each cell is updated based on the states of its neighbors at the previous time step.

  • Local interactions

    The rules for updating the state of a cell are typically local, meaning that they only depend on the states of the cell's neighbors.

  • Deterministic

    Cellular automata are typically deterministic, meaning that the state of the system at any given time can be uniquely determined from the initial state and the rules of the system.

Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton that is defined on a two-dimensional grid. Each cell in the grid can be either alive or dead. The rules for updating the state of a cell are as follows:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies.
  • Any live cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.
  • Any live cell with more than three living neighbors dies.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life.

Simple rules

Conway's Game of Life is known for its simple rules, which are as follows:

  • Underpopulation

    Any live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies.

  • Survival

    Any live cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.

  • Overpopulation

    Any live cell with more than three living neighbors dies.

  • Reproduction

    Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life.

These simple rules give rise to a wide variety of complex patterns, including oscillators, spaceships, and gliders.

One of the most famous patterns in Conway's Game of Life is the glider. A glider is a pattern of five cells that moves diagonally across the grid. Gliders can be used to construct more complex patterns, such as spaceships and oscillators.

Conway's Game of Life is a simple game with simple rules, but it is capable of producing a wide variety of complex and interesting patterns. This makes it a popular subject of study for mathematicians, computer scientists, and other researchers.

Complex patterns

Despite its simple rules, Conway's Game of Life is capable of producing a wide variety of complex patterns. These patterns can be classified into two main types: static patterns and dynamic patterns.

Static patterns are patterns that do not change over time. They include patterns such as blocks, lines, and circles. Dynamic patterns are patterns that change over time. They include patterns such as oscillators, spaceships, and gliders.

Oscillators are patterns that repeat themselves after a certain number of time steps. Spaceships are patterns that move across the grid. Gliders are patterns that move diagonally across the grid.

Some of the most complex patterns in Conway's Game of Life are known as methuselahs. Methuselahs are patterns that live for a very long time before they eventually die out. The longest-living methuselah known to date is the "Methuselah's tree," which lived for over 100,000 generations.

The complexity of the patterns in Conway's Game of Life has led to its use in a variety of applications, including computer science, mathematics, and biology.

Grid of cells

Conway's Game of Life is played on a grid of cells. The cells can be arranged in any shape or size, but the most common grid is a square or rectangular grid.

  • Cells

    Each cell in the grid can be either alive or dead.

  • States

    The state of a cell is determined by the number of living neighbors it has.

  • Neighborhood

    The neighborhood of a cell is the set of cells that are adjacent to it.

  • Updates

    The state of each cell is updated at each time step based on the state of its neighbors.

The grid of cells provides a simple and efficient way to represent the state of the game. The grid can be easily updated at each time step, and the state of each cell can be easily determined based on the state of its neighbors.

Alive or dead

In Conway's Game of Life, each cell can be either alive or dead. The state of a cell is determined by the number of living neighbors it has.

  • Alive

    A live cell is a cell that has two or three living neighbors.

  • Dead

    A dead cell is a cell that has fewer than two or more than three living neighbors.

  • Birth

    A new cell is born if a dead cell has exactly three living neighbors.

  • Death

    A live cell dies if it has fewer than two or more than three living neighbors.

The rules for birth and death are designed to create a system that is both simple and complex. The simple rules lead to a wide variety of complex patterns, including oscillators, spaceships, and gliders.

Interact with neighbors

In Conway's Game of Life, each cell interacts with its neighbors to determine its next state. The neighborhood of a cell is the set of cells that are adjacent to it.

The rules for how a cell interacts with its neighbors are as follows:

  • Underpopulation

    Any live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies.

  • Survival

    Any live cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.

  • Overpopulation

    Any live cell with more than three living neighbors dies.

  • Reproduction

    Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life.

These rules are simple, but they give rise to a wide variety of complex patterns. This is because the state of each cell is determined not only by its own state, but also by the state of its neighbors.

For example, a live cell with two living neighbors will survive, but if one of its neighbors dies, the live cell will die in the next time step. Similarly, a dead cell with three living neighbors will come to life, but if one of its neighbors dies, the dead cell will remain dead.

The interaction between cells in Conway's Game of Life is a key factor in the emergence of complex patterns. By interacting with their neighbors, cells can create patterns that are far more complex than the simple rules of the game would suggest.

Live, die, or remain

In Conway's Game of Life, each cell can either live, die, or remain in its current state at each time step. The fate of a cell is determined by the number of living neighbors it has.

A live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies due to underpopulation. A live cell with two or three living neighbors survives. A live cell with more than three living neighbors dies due to overpopulation.

A dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life due to reproduction. A dead cell with fewer than three living neighbors remains dead.

These rules are simple, but they give rise to a wide variety of complex patterns. This is because the state of each cell is determined not only by its own state, but also by the state of its neighbors.

For example, a live cell with two living neighbors will survive, but if one of its neighbors dies, the live cell will die in the next time step. Similarly, a dead cell with three living neighbors will come to life, but if one of its neighbors dies, the dead cell will remain dead.

The ability of cells to live, die, or remain in their current state is a key factor in the emergence of complex patterns in Conway's Game of Life.

Variety of patterns

Conway's Game of Life is known for its ability to produce a wide variety of patterns. These patterns can be classified into two main types: static patterns and dynamic patterns.

  • Static patterns

    Static patterns are patterns that do not change over time. They include patterns such as blocks, lines, and circles.

  • Dynamic patterns

    Dynamic patterns are patterns that change over time. They include patterns such as oscillators, spaceships, and gliders.

  • Oscillators

    Oscillators are patterns that repeat themselves after a certain number of time steps.

  • Spaceships

    Spaceships are patterns that move across the grid.

  • Gliders

    Gliders are patterns that move diagonally across the grid.

The variety of patterns that can be produced in Conway's Game of Life is due to the simple rules of the game. These rules allow for the emergence of complex patterns that can be studied by mathematicians, computer scientists, and other researchers.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Conway's Game of Life:

Question 1: What is Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a simple game with a few simple rules, but it can produce complex and surprising patterns.

Question 2: How do you play Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: The game is played on a grid of cells, each of which can be either alive or dead. The cells interact with their neighbors, and based on the number of living neighbors, they can come to life, die, or remain in their current state.

Question 3: What are the rules of Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: The rules of the game are as follows:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two living neighbors dies.
  • Any live cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.
  • Any live cell with more than three living neighbors dies.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three living neighbors comes to life.

Question 4: What are some of the patterns that can be created in Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: Conway's Game of Life can produce a wide variety of patterns, including static patterns, dynamic patterns, oscillators, spaceships, and gliders.

Question 5: What are some of the applications of Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: Conway's Game of Life has been used in a variety of applications, including computer science, mathematics, and biology.

Question 6: Where can I learn more about Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: There are a number of resources available online where you can learn more about Conway's Game of Life, including the Wikipedia page, the official website, and various books and articles.

Question 7: Is Conway's Game of Life Turing complete?
Answer: Yes, Conway's Game of Life is Turing complete, meaning that it can be used to simulate any other Turing machine.

Question 8: What is the largest pattern that has been found in Conway's Game of Life?
Answer: The largest pattern that has been found in Conway's Game of Life is the "Methuselah's tree," which lived for over 100,000 generations.

These are just a few of the many questions that people have about Conway's Game of Life. For more information, please refer to the resources listed above.


Here are a few tips for playing Conway's Game of Life:

Tip 1: Start with a small grid.
A small grid will be easier to manage and will allow you to see the patterns more clearly.

Tip 2: Experiment with different starting patterns.
There are many different starting patterns that you can try. Some popular patterns include the glider, the spaceship, and the oscillator.

Tip 3: Pay attention to the number of living neighbors.
The number of living neighbors that a cell has will determine whether it lives, dies, or remains in its current state.

Tip 4: Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Conway's Game of Life is a game of experimentation. Don't be afraid to try different things and see what happens.

These are just a few tips to get you started. With a little practice, you'll be able to create your own patterns and explore the many possibilities of Conway's Game of Life.


Conway's Game of Life is a simple game with a few simple rules, but it can produce complex and surprising patterns. The game has been studied by mathematicians, computer scientists, and other researchers for over 50 years, and it continues to be a source of new discoveries.

One of the most fascinating things about Conway's Game of Life is that it is Turing complete. This means that it can be used to simulate any other Turing machine. This makes Conway's Game of Life a powerful tool for computation, and it has been used to solve a variety of problems, including finding prime numbers and factoring integers.

Conway's Game of Life is also a beautiful game. The patterns that it produces are often visually stunning, and they can be used to create works of art. The game has been used to create everything from abstract paintings to video games.

Conway's Game of Life is a game that is both simple and complex, beautiful and powerful. It is a game that has fascinated people for over 50 years, and it is a game that will continue to be studied and enjoyed for many years to come.

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